Reduce your industry’s

energy consumption

Do you want your manufacturing plants to consume
less energy? Dametis helps you increase
your energy efficiency and reduce
your carbon footprint with the SEEE method.

Why reduce your industry’s energy consumption?

Energy consumption is the nerve center of all human and industrial activity. This is particularly true of late, with geopolitical tensions driving up prices. And that’s not to mention the environmental challenges we face.

In this delicate context, Dametis helps manufacturers regain control of their energy consumption. The key word: aim for the Minimum Energy Attainable. We explain it all on this page.

The SEEE concept for
lower energy consumption

To meet the challenge of consuming less energy,
Dametis has developed the SEEE method:
a low-energy factory concept. Here are the 4 steps to
ensure the transformation is complete.

Energy sobriety


energy efficiency and energy consumption
electricity consumption and energy savings
Process electrification
renewable energy and renewable hydrogen
Renewable energies
consume less energy


The first step towards energy sobriety is to keep a close eye on your consumption. From there, we can detect drifts, raise awareness of good practices and take the necessary corrective action.

For a plant, energy efficiency means maintaining a constant level of performance over time. Indeed, a plant’s performance level naturally tends to decline over time.

MyDametis helps you achieve optimum energy efficiency

energy sobriety to combat global warming
energy efficiency for sustainable development in the workplace


To improve energy efficiency, we have defined a Minimum Energy Attainable (MEA) for each plant section. The MEA is a standard energy efficiency score that you can work towards.

To achieve this, we virtualize your factory, breaking it down into blocks that correspond to its various sections and fit together like Lego. Each block is modeled and assigned a MEA.

Of course, no two factories ever have the same block assembly, but similar blocks can be found in most factories. And that’s the beauty of this method: it standardizes energy efficiency scoring.

This enables us to pinpoint your production line’s weakest points in terms of energy efficiency. Then we improve them to your ideal plant.


Process electrification is a good way of reducing your carbon footprint, but it also improves the competitiveness of your manufacturing plants by reducing their energy consumption.

Electricity is more efficient than fossil fuels such as gas.

What’s more, electrical infrastructures are lighter and easier to maintain.

Finally, electrification is interesting in an environment where energy production is already decarbonized, which is the case in France.

lower electricity consumption to reduce carbon footprint
renewable energies means using green energies such as green hydrogen, renewable hydrogen, green gas, biomass and green electricity,

renewable energies

Using renewable energies (RE) is a good way to reduce the carbon footprint of your industrial plants. They fall into two categories: renewable electricity and green heat.

Renewable electricity: photovoltaic, hydraulic, wind, green hydrogen.

Green heat: heat recovery, biomass, high-temperature heat pump on a low-temperature water loop.

Biogas: methanization, pyrogasification.

Storage, data and software will enable the emergence of decentralized, bottom-up energy management, unlike our current centralized system.

Are you ready to start reducing your energy consumption?

Sales Director, Dametis
Improving your environmental performance begins with a first brick. Schedule a call with a business expert to discuss your challenges.


They’ve chosen Dametis

Dametis gave us a global, real-time view of our entire production chain. Thanks to their intervention, we reduced our gas bill by a third in the space of a year. What’s more, our teams have become more autonomous when it comes to energy management, saving time.

Energy Manager
Computer equipment manufacturing industry