Business News

Dametis participe aux Orano Supplier Awards

Published on:3 November 2023

What are the Orano Supplier Awards?


The Orano group organizes the Orano Supplier Awards. During this event, the most performant and innovative suppliers, who also align with the group’s values, are rewarded.

During this ceremony, 4 categories are awarded:

  • Innovation
  • Collaborative work
  • Competitiveness
  • RSE commitment

The Orano Supplier Awards aim to create a strong link between Orano and its suppliers so that they can help the group progress in its pursuit of excellence.


Dametis at the Orano Awards


Dametis supports Orano on a daily basis at its two most energy-intensive sites, thanks to its MyDametis software, an EMS allowing the group to improve the energy and environmental performance of these two sites, which are among the most energy-intensive in France.

Within these two plants, MyDametis enables Orano to:

With its innovative EMS software, Dametis hopes to win in one of the categories at the Orano Awards.

We will not fail to announce the results here.


Do you have an EMS?


To date, we have supervised over 80 clients, helping them with their decarbonization challenges. Among them, some testify to the results after installing the MyDametis software within their industry. A significant decrease in their energy bill, a much smaller carbon footprint. Watch a case study to better understand the daily life of industries with MyDametis.

We are here to support you


Our experts are here to accompany you, guide you in building your roadmap towards your ideal factory. Together, let’s change the future, improve everyone’s future. If you have a project or if you need information, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to answer you.